Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bubble Pop eye mask

Here's the latest. This one has an extra layer of dark cotton fabric in the center for better light blockage. Satin on both sides, batting filled for cushiony fit, double elastic straps to hold it in place a little better during the night/nap. Also I made this one with a higher nose bridge because one of the other ones seemed to make a gap on the sides around the nose, letting a little light in. So this one is special. Yes, special.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I love DIY's

I love DIY's. I love them. I want to try every one of them. Anyway, here's a great (and easy) one. And I do have a tip to add on to this. When you cut your foam board, use a brand new blade in your knife, otherwise you may get some jagged spots in the middle core part. And hold it nice and vertical as you cut too, so you don't have angled walls. That said, I think I'll stop by Michaels on my way home and see if they have any foam board so I can give this a try. I have a bathroom suffering from plain walls.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A slice of the woods

Remember a few posts back when I saw the wood slices (for candles to go on top of) at Domino? Well lookie what came in the mail for me! A box full of wood sliced, cut and shipped by my dear old Dad. Mine are a little bit more rustic looking, but very nice. I also once saw something like this where the tops were painted a color, so I may give that a try as well.

An extra little story for anyone killing time... The box was shipped to me, at my address, but showed up at my neighbor's house. This neighbor lives one street down from me, and happens to also be named Christy Cook, and her husband, Chris Cook, was kind enough to bring over the package. Yeah, this is going to be fun.

Monday, August 25, 2008

My First Stamps

My first stamp sets are finally in production and for sale in the Stampin' Up! Holiday Mini catalog! Mr. Twigster is what we call a "builder". It means you can stamp the string of lights over his arms, or the presents stack on his hands.

Cotton Candy Eye Mask

This one reminds me of cotton candy and circus fun. The red polka-dot side is a nice smooth satin. Elastic band to secure it on your noggin' while you snooze.

Monster Socks

Check out this great how-to, from Monster Munch, on making sock monsters! And here you can see some wonderful creations. Watch out sock drawer, here I come.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New cell number

So I have a new cell number. I was really hesitant about doing this because I've had the same number since I first got a cell phone. I'm sure it's going to be a pain for a little while, but oh well. Gotta do what you gotta do. And no, I'm not going to put the new number up here for the world (and spammers) to see, so you'll have to email me or call my old number to get it (If I haven't sent it to you yet). This is more just to let everyone know in case I miss someone. I'll keep my old number for another 2 weeks, and then it's time to say goodbye.

Etsy Shop is open for business!

Hooray! Our Etsy shop is finally open! So far I only have like 3 items on there, but it's a start. Others will soon be adding their handmade items as well. The store is called "the 2nd floor" and here is the link:

Now of course if any of you, my friends and family, want any of the items--let me know and we can skip the shipping charges (and give a little "friends and family discount"). Well I guess some of you I'd have to ship it too, but those of you who are local, you know.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Mushroom Mask

This eye mask reminds me of cute little cartoon mushrooms, red with white polka dots. And a loverly turquoise on the reverse side. Both sides are satin so it can be used with either gently hugging your face. Nice and comfy, elastic band to wrap around the ol' noggin. Sweet dreams.
I'm planning on selling these for $8.

I like making these because they are quick and require a small amount of fabric, so they are fun to do.

Oh and an update on the Etsy shop. It's pretty much ready to go, but I'm going to wait until we get the banner and text in before linking you there. Hopefully it will be done this weekend.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mama's little monkey

One more baby item today. Check out the cool stencil miss K. picked up at a show in Chicago. You can find more awesome stencils like this at Stencil 1. I still had some onsies left from that elephant applique one I tried to make for my sister's baby, so I put one to use.

A blurry close-up:

Another of many cool images available on Stencil 1:

Baby Peeptee Teepees

No I'm not pregnant. Baby stuff is just easy to make because it's small. Okay and I want a baby, but that's not why I'm making all this stuff. Well, maybe deep down inside there is an underlying psychology to it, but let's not go there.
Anyway, onto the creations. A few months ago I went to a baby shower where my dear friend N. gave the cutest little gift, so I decided to recreate it. These are called Pee-pee Teepees (for the sprinkling wee-wee), and I'm guessing there's a trademark or patent or something, but you can find them here. So I probably can't sell these, at least not under that name, but next family member to have a baby boy, this is what you'll probably get from me :) Comes will a little baggie for keeping them together and for washing. This isn't my favorite fabric, but it's all I had lying around that was boy colored and had a small pattern on it. The insides are terry cloth, for good absorbtion of the little diaper-changing sprinklings.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I love stripes!

Ok, I just stumbled accross this site and I have to share. You can get striped tights in a billion color options! I love striped tights. I don't own any, but soon I hope to, because I really really love them!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Yeah, that's what I've been up to. I caught a cold from a kid in Nursery, and I've been resting instead of making things. A cold in the middle of summer, that's just wrong. But I did buy some more fabrics last week and I'm excited to make some new stuff! So come back soon.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Men need sleep too

So I thought I'd make some sleeping eye masks. And for some reason I bought black elastic, even though most of my fabric scraps are light colored, and even though I bought a soft yellow satin for the back side. So all I could dig up that would look good with the black elastic was this olive green and black corderouy leftover from last year's Christmas stockings. And so I call it a manly mask. It really should have had black satin on the back, but I was just working with what I had. This was really just a prototype anyway.... that's what I tell myself.

Weekend mini project

I finally made a bottle cap pincushion, as I mentioned in a previous post here. This is my version. It's kinda nice for toting around, like when I'm in front of the TV hand sewing, instead of in my craft room. I only had one color of ribbon at home that was the right width.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Decor Quiz

This is a fun little quiz to determine your decorating style. Apparently my style is {Miss Trend}. I like my home to be "cool and modern (if a little rough around the edges)."

A great idea

I just saw this on Domino and I absolutely must give it a try. These slices of wood with candles atop would look fabulous on my mantle.
I've seen this idea with painted wood slices too, also very very cool. Imagine the area inside the bark painted light blue. Oooh, I'm getting chills! I may see if my parents (who live in the land of many trees) can scan their backyard for any fallen trees that are looking for a new life!

Something for the walls

My Arts & Crafts room is pretty bare, so I made these to go on the walls. I used leftover fabrics and scraps from my previous projects. I think it would be cool to have like 7 or 8 of these, and maybe paint the hoops. If you decided to try this at home, I recommend putting the fabric in the hoop and then trimming it, not vice versa!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Watercolor Nest

My former neighbor is an interior designer and requested a specific painting for one of her clients. I finished this a while ago, and finally got it scanned in. See, I do still paint sometimes.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Goodbye Woodland Hills

It's with mixed emotions that we say goodbye to our Woodland Hills home. The move was necessary due to loooong commutes and high gas prices, but there is nowhere I'd rather live (in Utah). Beautiful green surroundings, deer and turkeys meandering through the yard (and eating my flowerbeds...grrr), down-to-earth neighbors who are friendly and kind, spacious lots (houses not all crammed together), park next door. We will really really miss that house and neighborhood. We hope to someday return, when work obligations allow it.

The great room (I still need tables). sniff.

The kitchen. sniff.

The master bathroom. sniff.

The living room. sniff.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's Aliiiiiiive!

Ok, so this is a little random--maybe a lot random. But I have this vine plant at home that really has a personality. It moves around quite a bit. It reaches out to the blinds and wraps itself around them. It reaches over to the TV and likes to wrap around it too (see below). And then all of a sudden, it grew a bunch of flowers! I never would have guessed it was a flowering vine!

See here, how it is reaching a tentacle over to the blinds, beginning to crawl up?

And here, see these holes in the side of my flat panel TV? The plant reached over and grew into the hole. I tried to pull it out, but it was far enough in there that it just broke off inside. So now I keep a closer eye on it and move it when it starts heading that direction.

Birthday Fun

I've been on vacation for a week, so I'm now catching up. July 26th was my birthday, and it fell on a Saturday this year. So my coworkers/friends had an early celebration for me. Check out the cuteness and creativity of these amazing people I work with. I loved it!

And this is the card they made for me! It looks just like the purses I make! Amazing!

And mini purses with a surprise inside!