Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Toddler Bow Shirt

A while back I saw this toddler shirt at Gap (I can no longer find the image of the black and cream one they had):
I decided that I wanted a black and silver one, so I took a black long sleeve t-shirt from Target ($6) and bought 1/4 of a yard of grey satin ($1.50) and made my own. I think I overestimated the size of the bow, so mine is a little bigger than theirs, but I love it still. It was super easy and fast. Ava is also super fast (and hard to get a still photo of!)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Necktie Onesie

Ezra just keeps growing so I just keep making new neckties and necktie onesies. This is the third one of these I've made in his short 4 months of life. I like to keep him somewhat dressed up for church.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween Review

Oh, how October got away from me. I had planned to do so many Halloweeny things and Halloweeny posts, but it turned out to be an incredibly busy month. Not to mention some illness sweeping through the house and catching us each in turn. I'm kinda bummed that I missed out on so much from one of my favorite months, but I hope you all had a fantastically spooky October.
I have had Ezra's costume planned for a little while, and half done for most of the month, which is why it got finished—mostly. I had intended to add a dorsal fin, but again, ran out of time. Here's my little shark-bait.

 His costume was made from gray fleece (to keep him warm) and flannel. If I'd had time I would have dressed up as a lifeguard, since I would be holding him.

Ava's I struggled with more. I had kind of planned to make her a pink flamingo (guess I'm on a bird kick with her) but never had a chance to even start on it. So two days before Halloween I threw together a Little Red Riding Hood costume. I made her cape out of an old skirt lining (I made the hood way too big) and a feather boa. All I bought for the costume was the basket ($5), the kerchief ($1), and the feather boa ($2). The rest I already had. Not my proudest moment in costuming, but it just had to do. And it was so fun to take her out for her first trick-or-treating ever.
Next year I'll try not to book so much during October. I don't know how some of you super-moms do it! (But I'm glad you do because you inspire me).