Friday, June 12, 2009

Another Bib

I know, I know, this has turned into a baby blog already! Hope you like baby stuff. Here's a bib I made for my sister's baby. On this one I used terrycloth on the back side and it was very easy to sew, not too bulky. If you'd like a bib for your little one, let me know! $10 per bib. You can even pick your own fabric if you want.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy it's a baby blog. Just be sure to post LOTS of baby pictures as soon as the little one comes.

    Guess what? I'm coming to UT for a wedding in August. I let you know when we get our exact dates of when we'll be there and hopefully we can get together! (The wedding is Aug. 21st so that give you a ballpark.)
