Friday, July 10, 2009

Baby Carrier Canopy

You've probably seen these around, and I decided I need one since I will be carting my baby around in the fall and winter. It offers some protection from cold and wind, as well as light (if the baby is sleeping). Unlike a blanket, this attaches to the baby carrier with velcro straps and leaves the handle free for grabbing. You can just fold the cover back to reveal your baby. Isn't this fabric just gorgeous?
Here you can see the dark redish burgundy I used for the back side.
Here's a close-up of the straps. They are velcro straps and are double stitched for long lasting usage.
This particular canopy, though I adore the print, clashes with my orange and slate colored baby carrier, and we can't have that now, can we? I just couldn't resist that fabric though, I think it's so beautiful! Does anyone know the designer? I forgot to look when I bought it. Anyway, I will be selling this one-- $30 if you are interested. It will be listed soon on my Etsy shop, or you can just contact me and skip the middle man if you are interested. Did I mention that it's machine washable? The fabric has been pre-washed and pre-shrunk. I think that's a must.

Now I've just got to find the right fabric for my own canopy...

UPDATE: Thanks to my mother-in-law I now know the maker of the fabric! It is Art Gallery and they have many wonderful fabrics! If you click on the link you can see some of their upcoming releases.


  1. You never cease to amaze me. Honestly.

  2. Christy it is adorable. Once we find out what we are having I definitely want to buy from you! I'm excited to see your cute belly in lake powell!
