Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!

Yeah, yeah, I'm a few days late on this. Happy New Year all the same!

I love making goals/resolutions, and lists, and self-improvement in all it's many manifestations. I like to write my NY Resolutions in categories to help myself be well balance and not overwhelmed. My resolutions include specific improvements in the following areas: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social, Emotional, Family. For example in the physical arena my goal is to complete a century ride (100 mile road bike race) and participate in the Ragnar/Wasatch Back relay (running).

Anyone have any resolutions they want to share? I always find people's resolutions so inspiring!

1 comment:

  1. I'll tell you one of mine. :) After looking at last year I kept my goals for at least most of the year, and one of them for all of the year. But still, did I become any better? I have no clue. I hope so, but who knows. So this year one of my goals is to write in my journal weekly, and with that I want to make weekly goals and write about them in my journal. Then hopefully next year I'll have something to look back on and feel good about. If you need suggestions for your resolutions give me a call. Haha just kidding. :)
