Thursday, January 27, 2011

DIY Fabric Covered Shoes

Have any of you ever tried to cover a pair of shoes with fabric? I love this idea! I think I've given all my "I don't wear these anymore" items to the thrift store though. Maybe it's time to take a trip inside the thrift store to buy back a pair of "test shoes"!
The inspiration (I want these!):
 Her homemade version:

You can find the full DIY instructions at Burda Style. Let me know if you try it out!


  1. awesome. love wedge shoes. I just don't like how tall they are. I would break an ankle!

  2. OMG, WHERE are those inspiration shoes from? They are GORGEOUS!

    I am totally trying this. I just need to find something at the thrift store also that I can mess up as a trial pair :)

  3. Andrea, the inspiration shoes are from Erdem (S/S 2010 collection). Gorgeous, no? I'd love to see yours if you make some!
