Friday, July 20, 2012

Wedding Decor Round-up

I've been helping to gather some ideas for my brother-in-law's upcoming wedding—specifically centerpieces and decor for the luncheon. These are ideas that you could use and customize to many different kinds of parties or gatherings.

1. Mason jars—or any mixture of collected jars in varying sizes. Pickle jars, jam jars, baby food jars, salsa jars, etc. So many ways to pretty them up. Wrap them in lace, in twine, in old book pages or sheet music (which could be photocopied by the way), dye them, put candles in them, put in sand and candles, glass stones and water, put in flowers, simple mini daisies, etc.

2. Tissue paper pom-pom flowers.  These are everywhere, of course, but there's a reason for that. They cost little and make a big impact. You can hang them from the ceiling, do half flowers and attach them the to walls, make a variety of sizes and create a centerpiece (using the half spheres). Throw in some white Christmas lights and tulle for added flair.

3. Flower filled boots. For this particular wedding the bridesmaids are wearing cowboy boots. If the family happens to own a lot of boots, they could cut off the top of some 2-liter bottles and put them inside the boots, fill with water and then flowers. Short boots might work for a centerpiece, tall boots could be a nice touch if they were flanking the entrance or maybe even a buffet table.

4. Japanese lanterns filled with flowers. I believe Costco sells some battery powered tea lights, and those could be the light source inside. And you can be sure those Japanese lanterns will get future usage for party decor.

5. Rolled paper tubes. Print something lovely on white paper or translucent vellum and roll it up and put a battery powered tea light inside for a warm glow.

6. Balloons on the wall. You need to make sure they are nice balloons. This is the kind of arrangement I was referring to with the tissue paper flowers on the wall as well.

9. Another wall idea—wrapping paper pinwheels. I'm not sure if thats what it's really called, but here they are. A good, inexpensive way to cover a lot of surface area and fancy things up. These papers were bought at XPedX, I believe.

8. Book page/music sheet heart garland to string across the room using twine (in this case).

9.Lace doily bowls. Form them around balloons, bowls, etc. Fill them with... candy? mints? anyone have any ideas?

10. Branch and leaf. Get some 4x4's at the hardware store and drill small holes in the top. (Probably want to sand and stain it too). Branches with or with out leaves could be cool. Spray paint them gold, or in your colors.

11. Glass in glass with colored water. These large vases have a narrower vase inside them holding the candle. Between the two layers they have been filled with colored water.

12. Layered paper plates. The top plate has been cut around with decorative scissors, then punched with some fancy punches.

13. Tin can vases. I love the simple flowers in these. You could also wrap them in butcher paper (maybe trimmed with decorative scissors?) and wrap with twine or thin leaves as seen below.

14. Paper flowers. These might take some time, but wow.

(Some of these images have links, some do not—sorry about that.)


  1. Amazing! I love all of these ideas! Oh to be so crafty and clever. I wish I didn't have to be a copykat and just come up with these ideas myself, but thank heavens for people like you!

  2. Awesome, love those wedding decors. So lovely and sweet, that meets my expectations and I like it on my wedding.

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