Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sharing the Thanksgiving Love

I hope you've all had a fantastic Thanksgiving! Might not have been the best for my hubby since he's trying to pass some kidney stones... But on a more positive note I wanted to share something wonderful. It has become a tradition in my neighborhood every year to have a "Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt" which is basically a food drive. On the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, all the teenagers gather and divide up to go to every house in the neighborhood to ask for food donations for Thanksgiving dinners for needy families. The generosity and love of my neighbors is astounding. I wish I could thank them each individually. This year in our little neighborhood we collected enough food for 12 full meals and then some! (That means 12 donated turkeys, folks, plus all the other fixin's). We had committed to 6 families in need, and found 2 more, and the rest we donated to the local food bank.
(Sorry about few phone pics, I was busy organizing and directing and chasing my toddlers).

 rolls, stuffing, marshmallows, yams, pie crusts, homemade jam, pies, turkeys, cranberry sauce, etc.
potatoes, beans, corn, yams, pumpkin, butter, stuffing, sparkling grape juice, etc.

After dividing out the meals, we then personally drop off the food to the families in need (thank you friends of friends for helping me find these families). It's really great for teenagers to take themselves out of their own problems for a night and see the serious needs of others. The family that my group visited brought me to tears (and I don't cry super easily). It was obvious that some big medical needs were a hardship on their family. It was such a blessing to us to be able to help them, and I'm so grateful for them letting us come and accepting our donation. This is the real spirit of the season. Being thankful for what we have and passing it on to others, that hopefully through us they may feel the love of God.

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