Friday, May 13, 2011

DIY Fringe Chandelier

I'm too scared to attempt any lighting project that includes an electrical wire, or removing my current light cover, because I think I might burn my house down. But here's something I can make for Ava's new room that I could just mount right around the existing flush-mount light fixture. I'm loving this idea!
You can find the full instructions at The Sweetest Occasion, but I'll give you a quick summary.
Buy 2 embroidery hoops, paint them, tie them together with fishing line, use a hot glue gun to glue fringe trim (4 yards) to hoops (wrapping around twice), hang up and admire. Easy peasy, right? I can't wait to try it.

These would also be fun for party decor.


  1. Oh my gosh. I love it. Especially how easy it is. I love new lighting ideas! Glad you found it :D

  2. Where did you find 8" fringe?! I went to 5 different fabric stores and can only find 4".. But this is such a great idea im not giving up!!

  3. Danyelle, I haven't actually made this myself yet, so I can't help you with the 8" fringe. Although I would suggest trying online stores, even Etsy maybe. Sometimes I have better luck that way.
