Thursday, February 14, 2013

More Chalkboard Art (Plus a Free Printable!)

Last night I participated in a church youth event called New Beginnings, and the theme this year was Stand in Holy Places (taken from a scripture). So once again we hauled out our oversized chalkboard and I drew up some lettering. I forgot to get photos before the tassels were up, so you get tassels in this picture too.

We had some giant pink balloons flanking the dessert table as well, and they were super cool. I want to fill my house with them. My friend, Camille, made all the tassels and always does a fantastic job with decorations.

I drew this up digitally as well, so that we could use the same image for our programs. You are welcome to use it for any non-profit purposes as well. For the link, click HERE.


  1. Thanks for the freebie! I colored it up and am using it for the title screen of a slideshow (for YW in Excellence). Thanks for sharing. I wish I could freehand like you do! (Chalk and I are NOT friends.)

  2. I'd love to see a similar one for the 2014 theme! My girls colored it and hung this one one their rooms. Thanks!
