Here's baby Ava at one week old:

Smiling for the camera:

Her arms are the size of Ryan's finger:

Big open eyes:

Ryan and Ava:

Ava and me:

In case you are wondering, the tube in her nose is a feeding tube that goes to her stomach. They have to measure how much she eats because if she were to overeat too soon, it could cause her digestive system to decay. She got her IV out a couple days ago, which is awesome. After having one myself for almost a week, I can tell you they get old fast. She still has monitors for her heart rate, her oxygen, her body temperature, and I think there's one more...
She is doing very well, and hopefully it's just a matter of time, growing, and feeding before she comes home.
Thanks everyone for your calls and messages. I'm so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family. I can't wait for you all to meet Ava in person!
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Congrats! She is absolutely beautiful!!
Very cute family!
Congrats Christy! Ava is a beauty. I know this has got to be an incredibly hard way to start your journey as a new mom, so my thoughts are with you. Glad to see you both are doing well, and we'll look forward for you to the day you get to bring her home!
She is so beautiful, and so are you! What a sweet baby girl. I never even got to see you pregnant, how sad. We better come and visit soon. Congrats, we love you!
Oh these pictures are soo precious! She is so beautiful. I can't wait til she comes home. :)
Christy I can't believe how good you look! It was good seeing you guys and cute little Ava. She is so tiny. I hope you are feeling better from all that icky medication.
I am so glad you are feeling better and that Ava is doing well. We miss you guys and home to come out there sometime in the spring to get all the new cousins together.
The whole Shattuck clan join you in welcoming this sweet miracle baby to the family!!!! Can't wait to see her!!!
Thank you, sweet momma! She is beautiful. Loved the little smile.
I love that last picture of you and Ava. You look sooooooooooooo beautiful. What a cute little bean! She's so tiny! Congrats! (Oh, and please send any digi scrap. sites, etc. that you recommend.)
We are so happy for you guys, and releived to hear that little Ava is doing good. She is just as precious as can be. And you look fabulous! I am so sorry that you had to go through such a difficult experience, but I am sure you agree that Ava was well worth it. I can't wait to meet her, and to see you. Hopefully we'll get a chance to see you in january when we are in town. Love ya lots! P.S. Tell Ryan he's not allowed to teach Ava his ant-eater dance moves! lol!
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