My friend
Merrilee has an amazing sense of style. If you haven't checked out her blog, go now, because there is always much to enjoy (and be sure to check out her illustration work as well). I'm amazed by these family photos that her talented sister,
Lorajean, took of her family. And by the way, she sewed her own dress the day before the photo shoot. I'm telling you, this girl is overflowing with talent.

Speaking of talent, let me get on my soap box for a moment. One thing I've observed is that talent is certainly not enough. Hard work and drive will take you so much further than talent. I've seen some of the most "talented" people fail repeatedly because they just couldn't stick to it. I've also seen less "talented" people achieve great success because of hard work and perseverance and drive. I hate to hear people say things like, "I have no talents" or "I wish I was that talented." But guess what! Talent isn't even half the equation. You can do just as much if you work hard at it and stay focused (of course proper training helps too). It's like when people say, "I'd give anything to be able to play the piano like that," as if the pianist just sat down one day and was able to play amazing music. If you would give anything, then give the thousands of hours of practice that pianist did and you will be able to play like him. I had a professor who once said that for every 100 sketches/paintings you do, you will have maybe 10 good ones if you are lucky. I've often heard people say "I wish I could draw," but the reason they can't is because they quit trying in 5th grade. If you want to be good at something, you have to do it again and again and again until you get it. And of course I know this applies to myself as much as anyone. So let's go out there and work hard, practice much, and cultivate new (or existing) talents!
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