My question is, how much baby food did you actually feed your baby? I mean, I see mom's just giving their little ones bits and pieces off their own plates. I don't seem to see a lot of baby food being served up these days. Is that a false perception? If I bought this Babycook gadget, would I use it? Ultimately I guess that is up to me, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on babyfood. Pin It
Obviously I am not a mom, but that sounds like such a good idea! Then it would be totally natural and no unneeded ingredients! I would get it if I was in your situation. My two cents as a non-mom.
I used baby food a lot actually. I did make my own sometimes...but the trick is to add enough water so you don't constipate your baby like I did. Yah, not nice. I didn't realize how runny baby food actually is. The baby food that I used had no preservatives or other added ingredients, it was just the fruit or vegetable and water added. If this thing was only $50 I might consider it, but $150 would be a bit too much for me to make it worth it. When I did make my own baby food, I just used whatever vegetable I had cooked for Danny and I and pureed it in the blender and added water. Pretty much the same process. So I guess my two cents would be that it's not worth the money. You still have to go through the same process to use this thing as you would a pot and a blender. Did I say too much? :)
Very helpful comments, definitely didn't say too much! I do have still about $45 on a gift card for Wm. Sonoma, so that would ease the pain some. But you made me think--if I don't buy this machine, maybe I will be more likely to make steamed veggies for us to eat as well... I rarely make side dishes with our dinners right now.
If I remember right, the baby food phase is somewhat short. They start at about 5 or 6 months, and I can't quite remember when we stopped. Maybe 9 months to a 1 year? It seems like by then they were eating small pieces food.
I also loved the convenience of store bought baby-food. They didn't have to be refrigerated and were great on the run. Its been awhile, but seems like there were some good organic varieties on the market too.
Hey Christy, I made all of Emma's baby food. I would steam the veggies, then blend with the steam water. Then I would put it icecube trays and defrost as needed. It really want not a lot of work, because you spend a couple of hours doing a whole batch, and then you baby food for 2-3 weeks. So, I dont know if I would buy the gizmo thingy or not. BUT I do think that making the baby food is better than buying. Better economicaly, nutrition wise, and environmentally. So, If this machine will help you make your own baby food,and will last for at least a couple of kiddos. Then i say go for it.
Making your own baby food is a fabulous idea! Buying a gadget that does just that, probably not. I've made baby food for both kiddos (depends on the child as to how long they like to eat the pureed stuff) and LOVE it! I just use my blender (which actually has a baby food button on it) then freeze it in ice cubes (perfect portion sizes) and pull it out when needed. Good luck! She's a doll, btw.
I'm totally with the last two bloggers. I made all my baby food with the blender. The food tastes so much better. I froze the food in ice cube trays as well. If you have a blender I wouldn't bother spending the money on other gadgets....especially if they do the same thing. Good luck!
Beech-Nut baby foods. Reasonably priced. Reasonable variety. Shelf-stable. No additives.
What a cool little machine! I love that it steams it as well. I think with the more kids moms get the more anxious they get to give babies "regular" food earlier. Maybe they're just more brave! I've made baby food a few times just using the blender, but I was always afraid I was overcooking the veggies and loosing nutrients. I bet this machine would help avoid that. I know you'll make a good decision!
Depends on your kiddo. I made several attemtps to use the blender and puree, but mine liked texture. She's rather "chew" with her gums. I would pass on the investment if you already have a blender.
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